Welcome to My Endocrine Life.
My name is Mitch Ross, and I may have Cushing's disease. In fact, I may have been living with it for decades.
According to LabTestsOnline.com:
"Cushing disease is caused by a pituitary gland tumor (usually benign) that over-secretes the hormone ACTH, thus overstimulating the adrenal glands' cortisol production. Cushing syndrome refers to the signs and symptoms associated with excess cortisol in the body, regardless of the cause. In addition to a pituitary tumor, taking steroid hormones (often used to treat cancer or autoimmune diseases), adrenal gland tumors, and ACTH-producing tumors outside the pituitary gland can cause Cushing syndrome."
Even though I have had two tests that confirms extremely high Cortisol levels, it's not official until an Endocrinologist says I have Cushing's.
But I wanted to get this site, blog/vlog started as soon as I could so that I could start my own healing process and maybe encourage people with similar problems to not give up.
Keep advocating for yourself, and work with your medical team, even if it's them that you have to advocate too.
Endocrine issues are serious, life altering and misunderstood illnesses. There are a lot of them, and I will be providing more information on them as I go along.